Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Dog ," Zoey."

This is my dog, " Zoey."

She was a stray when she was not even a year old, and after that she was in the worst pound in L.A. Luckily the Lange Foundation adopted her or it would have been to late. Then we came in.

We had found a dog before , but he was not nice with Lizzy.(The family cat). I was sad when he left but when we found Zoey I didn't really mind.

Do you have a dog?

What breed is it?

Do you want a dog?


Nick said...

Dear Ben,

I think your dog looks really nice. I have two dogs and their names are Murray and Dasie. Murray is five and Dasie is about seven months. Murray is a golden chow and Dasie is a golden reterever.

Your classmate,

Mrs. Yollis said...

Dear Zoey,
I think you are a real cute dog! I especially like the way you turned your head to the side for the photo.

How do you like your new family? They seem like very good people who will take extra-good care of you!

How are you liking Lizzy? I heard that dogs and cats don't really like each that true?

Mrs. Yollis

Mrs. Yollis said...

Dear Ben,

I love the new post with the pictures of your two pets! So cute!

Over my lifetime, I have had three dogs and one cat. The first dog was called Benjamin Franklin, and he was a brown and black cocker spaniel. Next we got Gus, a large malamute. When he got old, we got Vern, a black and white German short-haired pointer. He was real cute, but not very bright.

I also had a beautiful white cat that I got at the pound. He lived a long life with me. He lived 18 years!

I might get a dog this year...we'll see!

Mrs. Yollis

Ben said...

@ Mrs. Yollis,

You asked how the dog and cat get a long. They do, but mostly it's just Zoey playing fetch and lizzy sitting on the table. Once when we had just adopted it was the cat chasing the dog. That's why we always call her a silly puppy

Anonymous said...

Dear Ben,

Yes I have a dog. It is a golden doodle and it's name is Aniken. He is black, tall for his age, and his eye color is brown. He is joyful to have so yes I wanted him.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Ben,

I really want a dog, but my dad is allergic. I can get a chihuahua because people are allergic to dogs fur, but chihuahuas have hair.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ben,

I have two dogs named Malibu and Miles. Malibu is a black lab, and Miles is a yellow lab. When I grow up, I want a mixed breed of a chihuahua and lab mix. When you mix them it could be a giant chihuahua or a tiny lab.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Ben,

My cousins have two dogs, and they are both beagles. Their names are Shield and Shylo. They are about one year old.


Anonymous said...

Wow your dog is really cute and like me i have a nickname for her do you have a nickname for your dog??