Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Cat, "Lizzy

This is my cat, "Lizzy."
If you follow my blog you know her from my post My Dog, "Zoey."

She is always purring for food. It gets really annoying, and when we do feed her she keeps on doing it.

She is as silly as Zoey for sure.

Do you have a cat?
What is he/her name?
Do you enjoy have it around?


Nick said...

Dear Ben,

I think if I had a cat it would be fun. But I can't have a cat because my mom and me are really allergic. But I would still love to have a cat around.

Does Lizzy hide under a bed or does she hide at all. My grammy has 2 cats and their names are Sam and Charlie. My favorite cat is Charlie because he doesn't hide at all.

Your friend,

Mrs. Yollis said...

Dear Ben,

Your cat, Lizzy, looks like a real sweetheart!

I used to have the most beautiful white cat named Sam that I got at the pound. He had long hair and a lovely, thick tail. For a cat, he lived a full life...about 18 years. Even though he passed away five years ago, I still think about him and miss him greatly.

Sam used to jump up a lay on me when I was stretched out on the couch. He would purr and purr.

Nice post and good use of a hyperlink!

Your friend,
Mrs. Yollis

Ben said...

@ Nick,

Yes, Lizzy hides under the bed when we have visitors, and because the dog won't stop looking at her.

kayla said...

Dear Ben,

Is your cat afraid of people that he doesn't know? How old is your cat? Why did you name your cat Lizzy? Did you name your cat?

Your classmate,

Ben said...

@ Kayla,

My cat is afraid, but I think it's because see does not want any people around her. She is 16 years old. I did not name her. It was my dad. I was only a baby when Penny past away, and lizzy became the only cat. And my dad just liked the name. Why eles?

Anonymous said...

Dear Ben,

I realy like your dog and cat. Did your cat ever bite you? Does your dog hate it when you go horseback riding on him?

Your friend,


Anonymous said...

Dear Ben,

No I do not have a cat:[,it would be spectaculer to have one around and if I had a name for he\her it would be Fluffy. My neighbor has one and he is large with black fur and yellow eyes. I mite get to see him thogh?:]

Your classmate,

Ben said...

@ Ethan,

Just so you know my dog is a her, and when I pretend we are going to win the Kentucky Derby she just runs away.